Patricio “Pat” Urbi was elected to the New Haven Unified School District Board of Trustees, representing Area #1, in November 2024. He is a long-time Tri-City resident, attending public schools in Newark, Ohlone Community College, Fremont, and Cal State East Bay. His two sons are products of New Haven Schools and James Logan High School graduates. His wife is a former elementary school counselor and is currently a counselor at James Logan High School.
Pat has served as a board member of East Bay Asian Youth Centers in Oakland for 10 years; 5 as board president. He retired from the New Haven Unified School District after serving 26 years as a classroom teacher and site administrator. As an administrator, he wrote a grant that earned Barnard-White Middle School the distinction of being one of only 50 schools nationwide to receive the NASA Explorer School designation. He also served as the Association of California School Administrators (ACSA) Region 6 representative to the Equity, Diversity, and Achievement for Student Success Committee. The forerunner of what became the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee for ACSA. He has served at the following New Haven Schools as a teacher or as a site administrator: Cabello Elementary, Delaine Eastin Elementary, Barnard White Middle School, Alvarado Middle School (now Itliong-Vera Cruz Middle School), Alvarado Elementary School, and Guy Emanuele Elementary School.
Since retirement, he has been appointed Interim Principal at a local high school and serves as a substitute administrator for San Lorenzo and Newark Unified School Districts. He is currently the Interim Principal at Birch Grove Primary School in Newark.
He is dedicated to public education and is a trustee to the New Haven Unified School District community.