Class Title:
Career Center Technician
Under general supervision of an assigned supervisor, plan and coordinate services of a College & Career Center to provide high school students and parents with current information and supplemental guidance regarding post-secondary options – vocational programs, community colleges and 4-year universities, and other options including military and employment – their requirements, applications, scholarships and financial aid. Coordinates scheduling and attendance of college and career presentations and special events including college and career fairs, and parent nights. Coordinates community service opportunities and processes hours for student records. Coordinates recruitment, screening, and registration of students for off-site Mission Valley ROP (MVROP) and acts as the liaison between the high school and MVROP. Coordinates work permit process and evaluation. Assists in the coordination of college and career testing (PSAT, PACT, SAT/ACT, ASVAB), and performs related work as assigned.
- Directly responsible to designated administrators.
- Provides support to school counselors.
- Updates and maintains the master calendar of the Career Center and related activities, including posting of information and activities on school website.
- Schedules, introduces, hosts and evaluates business and community speaker programs for the Career Center.
- Obtains information concerning occupations, colleges, financial aid and military programs.
- Assists and supervises students using the Career Center.
- Coordinates communication with the business community, armed services, community organizations, colleges, and technical schools to enhance the Career Center services.
- Recruits, screens, and pre-registers students for the appropriate MVROP educational program according to pre-determined registration allocations.
- Advises individual students and provides group educational and vocational guidance service.
- Oversees activities and serves as facilitator of the Career Center.
- Schedules and notifies students of career lectures and activities.
- Provides Career Center orientations for classes, parents, and outside organizations.
- Distributes and assists in completion of college applications, financial aid applications, and scholarship information.
- Consults with staff regarding career education and infusion activities in various subject areas/college.
- Supports coordination of college visits and activities for English Learner students, Special Education students, ICL and students with other special needs.
- Assists students in job-search techniques for full-time and part-time placement, including work permit process and evaluation.
- Catalogs and files career materials and placement information.
- Obtains updated materials such as catalogs, brochures, and other occupational information.
- Trains, supervises, and evaluates student aides in the Career Center.
- Arranges exhibits and displays that appeal to and inform students about college and career opportunities.
- Attends workshops, seminars, career days, and job fairs to remain current with career trends and post-secondary education.
- Maintains budget, evaluates, and purchases materials for use in the Career Center.
- Plans and coordinates career fairs, college nights, and other special promotional events.
- Assists in coordination of college and career testing (PSAT, PACT, SAT/ACT, ASVAB) including sign-ups, ticket sales, fee waivers, and distribution/interpretations of results.
- Coordinates community service opportunities, verifies non-profit organizations, maintains approved community service providers, and processes hours for student records.
- Provide assistance and career information to students, faculty, administrators, staff and the public concerning Career Center functions and resources;
- Present workshops, facilitate classroom presentations and administer skills, interest and aptitude career assessments.
- Assist in scheduling and coordinating the use of career center resources;
- Answer telephones and greet visitors;
- Provide information and materials to students and visitors;
- Refer callers and visitors to appropriate personnel for assistance;
- Provide financial aid information to students and assist students with filling out college applications and scholarship forms.
- Orient students, staff and others individually or in groups in the use and content of center resources and materials;
- Operate and instruct others in the use of center equipment and computerized career guidance systems.
- Maintain a library of college and university catalogs and career resource materials such as brochures, videos, catalogs, reference books, files, articles and other resource materials;
- Order and request new and replacement reference materials.
- Participate in establishing and maintaining systems for security, storage and retrieval of materials and equipment;
- Check out materials, videos and catalogs; distribute testing forms.
- Develop career and job bulletins and other materials to publicize and promote career planning activities;
- Collect, maintain and distribute related materials.
- Perform clerical support duties including filing, typing and duplicating a variety of materials such as fliers, bulk mailings, announcements and lists.
- Assist in the coordination and scheduling of career days and other special events;
- Reserve and schedule set up of facilities;
- Schedule college representatives and others for speaking engagements;
- Prepare related materials;
- Coordinate various outreach programs and partnerships.
- Communicate with District staff, counselors, students and outside agencies to exchange information and coordinate a variety of activities.
- Provide assistance to the Regional Occupation Program (ROP);
- Record grades and prepare grade sheets;
- Participate in ROP registration activities.
- Operate a variety of office and classroom equipment including a fax machine, copier and a computer and assigned software;
- Drive a vehicle to conduct work.
- Attend a variety of meetings and conferences related to assigned activities;
- Serve on various committees.
- Perform related duties as assigned.
Knowledge of:
- Requirements, functions and duties of a wide variety of occupations.
- Principles and techniques of employment placement.
- Information sources for career, college, financial aid, scholarship, and community service information and processes.
- Techniques for assessing career interest and aptitude.
- Modern office practices, procedures and equipment.
- Record-keeping techniques.
- Correct English usage, grammar, spelling, punctuation and vocabulary.
- Interpersonal skills using tact, patience and courtesy.
- Basic public speaking techniques.
- Telephone techniques and etiquette.
- Policies and objectives of the Career Center.
- Computer operation and assigned software, including word processing, presentation, spreadsheet, database, and website applications.
- Interpersonal skills for diverse audience using tact, patience and courtesy.
- Oral and written communication skills.
- Basic public speaking and presentation techniques.
Ability to:
- Learn sources of college and career resources and informational materials.
- Learn, interpret, apply and explain applicable laws, codes, rules and regulations related to assigned activities.
- Learn methods of career assessment.
- Learn financial aid and scholarship policies and procedures.
- Answer telephones and greet visitors courteously.
- Prepare and deliver oral presentations.
- Operate a variety of office equipment including a computer and assigned software.
- Maintain records and files.
- Understand and follow oral and written instructions.
- Communicate effectively both orally and in writing.
- Establish and maintain cooperative and effective working relationships with others.
- Complete work with many interruptions.
- Meet schedules and time lines.
- Type at a minimum of 35 words per minute from clear copy or on computer.
- Maintain consistent, punctual and regular attendance.
- Move hands and fingers to operate a computer keyboard.
- Hear and speak to exchange information in person and on the telephone.
- See to read a variety of materials.
- Sit for extended periods of time.
Any combination equivalent to: graduation from high school supplemented by college-level course work in business, psychology or a related field and two years of general clerical experience involving public contact.
Completion of High School and some post-secondary education (AA or higher preferred).
Valid California Class C driver’s license.
- Office environment.
- Constant interruptions.
- Evening or variable hours.
- May be required to drive as needed
- 180 Days
Salary Range 27<