To: All New Haven USD Employees, Student Teachers, Coaches & Agency Employees
From: Kameelah Green, Director, Personnel Services
Subject: Safe Schools Mandated Training
As part of AB 1432, we are mandated to require child abuse training for all employees upon the start of each school year. Certification of this training is available through the internet using a program called Safe Schools.
New employees must complete the mandatory assignments prior to starting your position. Upon completion, you will receive your employee badge. Current employees must complete the mandatory assignments by September 18, 2024.
The assignments are open and you are welcome to begin at any time. When you have completed ALL courses, please email Thea Phillips, Personnel Receptionist at as she tracks completion for all employees. We appreciate your time and effort to complete this very important responsibility.
**Current employees: If you have not begun your work year, you do not need to complete your training during your off time. In coordination with your supervisor, you will be provided time during your work day to complete the mandated training.