New Haven Unified School District is participating in the California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS), sponsored by the California Department of Education (CDE). This very important survey will help promote better health and well-being among our youth, improve the school learning environment, and combat problems such as drug abuse and violence. Your child does not have to take the survey. Participation is voluntary.
The CHKS is the largest statewide student survey of resiliency, protective factors, risk behaviors, and school climate in the nation. It is a modular, anonymous assessment recommended for students aged 10 (grade 5) and above. It is focused on the five most important areas for guiding school and student improvement:
Survey Content. The survey gathers information on various topics, including developmental supports provided to youth; school connectedness and barriers to learning; behaviors such as physical activity and nutritional habits; alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use; and school safety.
The results from this survey are compiled into the district- and county-level CHKS (California Healthy Kids Survey) Reports.
The survey is Voluntary. Students who, with your permission, agree to participate do not have to answer any questions they do not want to answer and may stop taking the survey at any time. Active consent is required for Elementary students’ families. As a parent/guardian of a middle or high school student, you must notify your school if you do not want the student to complete the survey.
It is Anonymous. No names are recorded or attached to the survey forms or data. The results will be made available for analysis only under strict confidentiality controls.
Administration. The survey will be administered between March 20, 2023, and April 28, 2023
Potential Risks: There are no known risks of physical harm to your child. The risks of psychological or social harm are minimal. In rare instances, some discomfort might occur. The school staff will be available to answer any personal questions.
For Further Information. WestEd, a public, non-profit educational institution, developed the survey for the California Department of Education. If you have any questions about this survey or your rights, call the district at Abigail Kotzin, Coordinator of Pupil Services, (510)476-2609 or
Surveys To Preview