Do I need to enroll my child using New Haven's online application?
Last Updated 07/04/2022
We prefer that families enroll their students using our online enrollment system, Aeries, because it makes it easier for our staff to monitor and process enrollment requests, however, we understand this may not be the easiest method for some families.
If you prefer to fill out a paper version, please visit our Centralize Enrollment Center at 725 Whipple Road in Union City to pick up an enrollment packet. Packets can be picked up Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 4:00pm.
Am I able to choose my child's school when we enroll?
Last Updated 22/04/2022
Students in New Haven are assigned to a resident school determined by their home address.
If a family wishes for their child to attend a different New Haven school they can apply for an intra-district transfer. These transfers are approved based on space availability at the school requested.
When my child promotes to middle school and high school, do I need to re-enroll them?
Last Updated 22/04/2022
Resident students of New Haven do not need to re-enroll when promoting from 5th grade to 6th grade or from 8th grade to 9th grade.
Students who transfer into New Haven need to renew their inter-district transfers by reapplying to their home district and being approved by their home district and New Haven.
Can I enroll my child in the middle of the school year?
Last Updated 22/04/2022
YES! We enroll students for school after the school year has begun. Students can be enrolled throughout the school year up to 10 schooldays before the last day of school.
Does my child need to have their COVID-19 vaccination to enroll and attend school?
Last Updated 22/04/2022
Students are not required to have their COVID-19 vaccination to enroll and attend school.
Information about other required vaccinations can be found in the "Health and Immunization" link in the upper right tool bar of this page.
My child/family is in need of additional supports. Can New Haven provide them?
Last Updated 22/04/2022
Our goal is to help all our students be successful. If there are barriers to remove, we will work with our families to remove them.
If your child has an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), please note when you enroll your child. If you have a copy of your child's IEP please inform our enrollment clerks.
Our enrollment staff works directly with the Union City Family Center to provide basic needs support to our families. Please inquire about ways the Union City Family Center might support your family.
Please let our enrollment clerks know of other support needs your child may have.
Intra-District Transfers (New Haven Residents)
An intra-district transfer request is used by families living in the District when they wish for their student(s) to attend a school in the District other than their home school.
Are intra-district transfer requests at the elementary level automatically approved?
Last Updated 07/04/2022
No. In determining whether an intra-district transfer will be approved, the only factor that is considered is space available in the grade requested at the school requested.
Are intra-district transfer requests at the secondary level automatically approved?
Last Updated 07/04/2022
No, however, there is usually space at both of the middle schools to accept those students that wish to go from one school to the other.
We have one comprehensive high school in the District, James Logan High School. Students wishing to move from Logan to an alternative program, such as Conley-Caraballo High School or the Decoto School for Independent Study, should contact their school counselor for information about the application process to these schools. An intra-district transfer is not used to move from our high school to an alternative program.
How will transfer approval be decided if there are more student applicants than seats available?
Last Updated 07/04/2022
Per New Haven Board Policy 5116.1, a random, unbiased process will be used to determine which students will be admitted whenever a district school receives admission requests that are in excess of the capacity.
The date that an application is turned into the Centralized Enrollment Center does not affect a student’s chance to be approved for an intra-district transfer unless they turn in the application after the transfer application deadline.
What is the deadline for turning in Intra-District Transfer requests?
Last Updated 07/04/2022
Intra-district transfer requests shall be submitted between January 1 and March 20 of the school year preceding the school year for which the transfer is requested.
Requests after March 20 will be accepted and processed if space at the requested school site is available, which may not be determined until days before or after the first day of the school year.
Is there a waiting list?
Last Updated 07/04/2022
When the number of applicants exceeds the number of available spaces at a school site, a wait list shall be determined by lot from the eligible applicant pool, and a wait list shall be established to indicate the order, determined by a random, unbiased process, in which applicants may be accepted if openings occur during the year. (Education Code 35160.5)
When will I know if my intra-district transfer for next year is approved?
Last Updated 07/04/2022
We approve intra-district applications when we can determine that there is space a the requested school site.
Unfortunately, it may be after the start of school when we know if space is available for students requesting an intra-district transfer.
Kindergarten and transitional kindergarten availability is the hardest to predict. It is possible that, even if one were to submit an intra-district transfer request in January, the student would have to start the year in his/her home school until we are sure that space is available.
How will I know the status of my intra-district transfer request or if I was approved?
Last Updated 07/04/2022
Once submitted, your intra-district transfer request is considered pending. You will be called when your transfer request has been approved. If you do not receive a call from the Centralized Enrollment Center, the request has not been approved.
Families will be informed of a final decision 10 days after the start of the school year, at the latest.
An inter-district transfer request is used by families who live outside of New Haven and wish for their student to attend a New Haven School.
When is New Haven accepting inter-district transfer requests?
Last Updated 07/04/2022
Inter-district transfer applications can be turned into New Haven starting on the January 10 preceding the school year being requested. New Haven will forward requests to the other school districts on March 1 and upon being approved by the applicant's resident district, New Haven will review it for approval.
The deadline for submitting an inter-district transfer request is March 20. Requests received after that date will still be accepted and approved when it is determined that there is space at the requested school site, which may be several days before or after the start of the school year.
Alameda County school districts begin approving inter-district transfer requests on March 1 of each year.
Are inter-district transfer requests automatically approved?
Last Updated 07/04/2022
For an inter-district transfer to be approved, the student's resident district must approve the student leaving their district and New Haven must approve the student coming into New Haven.
When both school districts approve an inter-district transfer, they enter into an agreement for the student to attend school in the receiving district.
Do I need to have a reason for New Haven to approve an inter-district transfer in or out of the district?
Last Updated 07/04/2022
New Haven will approve an inter-district transfer, into or out of the district, for the following reasons:
•A student's child care is in the requested district's boundaries. (For grades K-6)
•A student's sibling attends the requested district.
•A parent works in the boundaries of the requested district.
•To allow a student to continue their education at their current school despite moving out of the requested district.
•For documented health or safety reasons.
•To participate in a particular educational program not offered in their district of residence.
Other specific reasons and documentation required when requesting a transfer are on the inter-district transfer agreement.
Are there requirements of students on an inter-district transfer into New Haven?
Last Updated 07/04/2022
Students attending a New Haven school on an inter-district transfer are subject to adhering to certain conditions which include:
•Being punctual to school and classes and not being excessively tardy.
•Following school and district rules for conduct and not being a disruption of the educational program or have inappropriate student behavior.
•Consistently coming to school and not being a habitual truant.
•Maintaining a 2.0 grade point average.
Students may be denied admission or have their inter-district transfer revoked for failure to adhere to these conditions.
In addition, should enrollment in the student's class exceed the class size limits applicable by law and/or negotiated teacher contracts, a student's inter-district transfer agreement may be revoked.