Justification statements in conjunction with expenditures from funds received from EIA, SIP, GATE, Immigrant, Migrant Education, ECIA, Chapter 1 and Chapter 2, ICRA, JTPA, and Vocational Education.
Expenditures made from funds in the above noted programs must have contained in the support document a justification for the expenditure. The guidelines to provide this information are outlined below and are to be considered effective immediately. Requisitions without all elements will be returned, causing delays.
Purchase Requisitions – Justification for expenditure shall be written in the lower left-hand corner of the requisition in the area titled “Remarks.” On electronic requisitions, statements are in “Description” box.
Cash Purchase Reimbursement Forms – Justification of expenditure must be inserted as part of the description of the materials purchased in the space provided on the form titled “Type of Item Purchased”. Requests for reimbursements being charged must be accumulated and placed on a single request form and cannot be intermingled with General Fund an/or other categorical fund requests.
Printing Request Form – Printing requests that will be charged to the programs noted must be submitted on the “Document Request Form”. The justification statement must be contained in the “Special Instructions” area of the form.
Parent Expense Form – Parent expense forms that will be charged to the programs noted must contain a justification statement in the lower right-hand corner in the line titled “Other”.
Mileage Form – the accumulation of mileage that will be charged to the programs noted must be on a form separate from mileage that might be charged to a fund other than to the listed fund.
Conference Expense Form – When a conference expense is to be charged to the programs noted, the justification must be inserted on the line titled “Position” in the upper right-hand corner. Conferences are not to be charged to ECIA, Chapter 1.
Request for Release Time – When release time is to be funded from the programs noted, the justification must be inserted as part of the reason for the request on the line provided on the upper portion of the form.
Consultancy Costs – When the cost of a consultant is to be charged to the programs noted, at the time that invoice is approved for payment; the justification must be inserted in the lower left-hand corner of the invoice.