Class Title:
Curriculum & Instruction Coach K-12
Basic Function:
Under the direction of an assigned supervisor, provide leadership and support for expressed purpose of enhancing student achievement through quality teaching, assessment and implementation of the District K-12 curriculum and instruction programs at assigned school sites to eliminate the achievement gap.
Essential Functions:
- Provide leadership and support for the assessment and implementation of the District K-12 curriculum programs at assigned school sites; monitor and assess program activities and work collaboratively with teachers through the coaching/observation process.
- Provide support to classroom teachers with the implementation of the California Standards for the Teaching Profession.
- Provide support for teachers and staff in the transition and effective implementation of the Common Core State Standards.
- Assist in the development and implementation of program goals and curriculum; conduct demonstration lessons.
- Provide assistance to classroom teachers in diagnosing the needs of English Learners.
- Work in conjunction with Site and District level administration to develop and implement collaboration on-site and across the District to articulate aligned and coherent instructional delivery.
- Assist classroom teachers in diagnosing curricular areas of growth through student interim assessments and planning appropriate differentiated instruction.
- Participate in professional learning concerning research and teaching techniques.
- Provide professional development concerning research and teaching techniques.
- Plan, coordinate and oversee teacher study groups.
- Assist in the assessment of student skills; assist staff with analysis, and interpretation of related data in order to personalize learning for students.
- Assist classroom teachers with identifying appropriate interventions to personalize learning for students.
- Conduct demonstration lessons that model effective instructional strategies with particular emphasis on English Learners.
- Support technology integration in subject content areas.
- Prepare and maintain a variety of records and reports related to assigned activities; process forms and applications as necessary.
- Collaborate with site administrators, program personnel, students and parents to enhance district instructional programs.
- Work with Curriculum / Professional Learning and Education Services to exchange information, coordinate activities, resolve issues or concerns and receive ongoing professional development.
- Assist in the development of school site plans and goals utilizing student performance data.
- Assist the District with parent education related to Literacy / Math program.
- Operate a variety of office equipment including a computer and assigned software.
- Perform related duties as assigned.
Demonstrated Knowledge and Abilities:
Knowledge of:
- California Standards for the Teaching Profession.
- California Common Core State Standards.
- California Content Standards.
- Deep, specific, content in the areas of Literacy, Math or use of data and assessment.
- Curricular practices, effective teaching strategies, research and methodologies.
- Best practices for successful English Language acquisition.
- Instructional strategies used in the enhancement of curricular programs.
- Correct English usage, grammar, spelling, punctuation and vocabulary.
- Child development principles and practices.
- Standardized and performance based assessment practices.
- School climate and culture.
- Curriculum, goals and objectives.
- Principles of professional development and providing work direction.
- Oral and written communication skills.
- Interpersonal skills using assertive diplomacy, patience and courtesy.
- Public speaking techniques.
- Record-keeping and report preparation techniques.
- Modern office practices, procedures and equipment.
Ability to:
- Provide leadership and support for the assessment, implementation and evaluation of the District curricular programs at assigned school sites.
- Serve as a member of the school site Instructional Leadership Team (ILT).
- Provide effective coaching, professional development and technical feedback.
- Provide coherent demonstration lessons.
- Assist staff in enhancing instruction techniques.
- Assess school climate and culture as they affect the learning environment.
- Collaborate with administrators, teachers, students and parents.
- Communicate effectively both orally and in writing.
- Interpret, apply and explain rules, regulations, policies and procedures.
- Analyze situations accurately and adopt an effective course of action.
- Plan and organize work.
- Prepare and deliver oral presentations.
- Establish and maintain cooperative and effective working relationships with others.
- Maintain records and prepare reports.
- Maintain consistent, punctual and regular attendance.
- See to read a variety of materials.
- Listen and speak to exchange information.
- Sit or stand for extended periods of time.
Education and Experience Required:
- Any combination equivalent to: bachelor’s degree, including courses needed to meet credential requirements and three years classroom teaching experience.
Licenses and Other Requirements:
- Valid California Teaching Credential.
- Valid California Class C driver’s license.
Working Conditions:
- Office and classroom environment.
- Driving a vehicle to conduct work.