Looking for a book for your child? How about reading resources at his/her level?
Here are some resources to get you started.
Looking for a book that’s age-appropriate? Use the Find A Book tool from Lexile. The lexile field or grade drop-down menu will help you filter the results. 146,000+ books cataloged.
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The Association for Library Service to Children (a division of the American Library Association) promotes reading and books through recommendations, compilations of lists, and related services. Find links to the ALSC recommended reading lists at this site.
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Newsela automatically gives each student the version of an article that’s just right for his or her reading ability. And an easier or harder version of each article is just a click away.
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ReadWorks provides over 1,800 K-8 non-fiction and literary reading passages, each with a research-based question set to support student comprehension. You must be logged in to view passages. Accounts are free. “ReadWorks provides research-based units, lessons, and authentic, leveled non-fiction and literary passages directly to educators online, for free, to be shared broadly. The ReadWorks curriculum is aligned to the Common Core State Standards and the standards of all 50 states. Most importantly, ReadWorks is faithful to the most effective research-proven instructional practices in reading comprehension.”
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Select a grade span for K-4, 5-8, and 9-12. Daily news sites for kids, tweens and teens – where you’ll find the most compelling, relevant and interesting news for 55 million kids in K-12 and their 3.5 million teachers. Stories are selected by professional journalists working closely with teens, tweens and teachers. Teens and tweens can post comments, with all comments moderated by their teachers before they are published.
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From Newseum: Today’s Front Pages provides daily access to newspapers all over the globe. There are three ways to read the front pages: with the use of the gallery, list or map. In any of these three possibilities, the front pages may be sorted by geographical region. The site provides access to more than 906 front pages from 94 countries, updated daily.
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Watch Reading Rockets’ exclusive video interviews with top children’s book authors and illustrators. You’ll discover if Chris Van Allsburg is really as spooky as his books, where Jon Scieszka gets his wacky ideas, and why Patricia Polacco’s warm family tales seem so real. Browse through more than 70 interviews!
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‘readwritethink’ is a project from the International Reading Association and the National Council of Teachers of English. Use the interactives to explore and develop reading and writing skills. The Search Results navigation on the left will help you find an interactive.
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