
The superintendent has established committees where board members work with staff around several areas of interest to the district. Only two board members sit on these committees (less than a quorum) so no board action is taken during these meetings. These committees may make recommendations to the whole board for action during regularly scheduled board meetings. Agendas for all committee meetings are posted below and the public is welcome to attend the committee meetings.

Finance, Technology & Facilities Committee

The Finance Technology & Facilities (formerly Budget & Finance) Committee meets to review and discuss district business related to the District’s budget and finances. The Committee includes two board members, the chief business officer and other staff depending on the topics on the agenda. This Committee serves as an advisory committee to the Governing Board. Agenda items include reviews of district reports and budget documents, matters related to parcel taxes or bonds, fees charged by the district, and other areas related to the district’s budget and finances.

Meetings are held virtually from 5:30 – 6:30 PM. Please refer to the NHUSD Public Calendar to join. 

Agenda Archives

Meeting Agendas 2023-2024

Meeting Agendas 2022-2023

Meeting Agendas 2021-2022

Meeting Agendas 2020-2021

Meeting Agendas 2019-2020

Communication & Advocacy Committee

The Communication & Advocacy Committee meets to review and discuss matters related to communication and outreach efforts that support Goal 4 of the District’s Strategic Plan: Community Outreach, Engagement and Advocacy. The committee consists of two board members, the director of digital services, and other staff depending on the topics being discussed. The Committee serves as an advisory committee to the Governing Board. Agenda items include those related to our communication structures (website, social media, etc.), communications protocols, outreach efforts, and other areas related to communication and advocacy for the district.

Meetings are held virtually from 4:00 – 5:30 PM. Please refer to the NHUSD Public Calendar to join. 

Agenda Archives

Meeting Agendas 2022-2023

Meeting Agendas 2021-2022

Meeting Agendas 2020-2021

Meeting Agendas 2019-2020

Policy Review Committee

The Policy Review Committee meets to review matters related to district policies. The committee consists of two school board members, a director from the educational services department, and other staff depending on the topics being discussed. The Committee serves as an advisory committee to the Governing Board. Agenda items include reviewing policy updates, drafting new policies, reviewing matters related to board policies, and other topics related to the revision, review, and application of policy.

Meetings are held virtually from 4:30 – 5:30 PM. Please refer to the NHUSD Public Calendar to join. 

Agenda Archives

Meeting Agendas 2022-2023

Meeting Agendas 2021-2022

Meeting Agendas 2020-2021

7/11 Advisory Committee

In November 2020, the District formed what is referred to as a “7-11 Committee” to look at how to better utilize some of the District’s untapped assets.

The purpose of the Committee is to review and analyze real property that is owned by New Haven USD and to determine what real property could be designated as “excess” or “surplus” because it will not be needed for school purposes. The Committee will then present a report to the Board of Trustees recommending uses for the surplus property or how to dispose of the property (e.g., sale, lease, etc.). This is a very important task and we are looking for highly-qualified, capable and committed individuals to be members of the Committee. Members of the Committee serve only on a voluntary basis. The Committee proceedings and deliberations will be open to the public.

Similar to the meetings of the Board of Education, there are three ways to make a public comment within the time allotted for public comments on an eligible Agenda item for Board Committee meetings.

  • To comment by video conference, click the “Raise Your Hand” button to request to speak when Public Comment is being taken on the eligible Agenda item. When it is your turn to speak the Committee Chair will call on you. You will then be unmuted, during your turn, and allowed to make public comment. After the allotted time, you will then be re-muted.  Instructions for Raise-Hand-In-Webinar can be found here
  • To comment by phone, you will be prompted to “Raise Your Hand” by pressing “*9” to request to speak when Public Comment is being taken on the eligible Agenda Item. When it is your turn to speak the last four digits of your phone number will be called out. You will then be unmuted, during your turn, and allowed to make public comment. After the allotted time, you will then be re-muted. Instructions for Joining-a-meeting-by-phone can be found here.
  • If you would like to provide written public comments to the 7/11 Advisory Committee and the Budget & Finance Committee, you may do so by emailing the Chief Business Officer.  Please send in your written comments at least an hour before the scheduled meeting time.

Meeting Archives 

March 4, 2021 7/11 Advisory Committee Minutes

March 4, 2021 7/11 Advisory Committee Agenda

February 18, 2021 7/11 Advisory Committee Minutes

February 18, 2021 7/11 Advisory Committee Agenda

January 28, 2021 7/11 Advisory Committee Minutes

January 28, 2021 7/11 Advisory Committee Agenda

January 14, 2021 7/11 Advisory Committee Minutes

January 14, 2021 7/11 Advisory Committee Agenda

January 7, 2021 7/11 Advisory Committee Minutes

January 7, 2021 7/11 Advisory Committee Agenda

December 17, 2020 7/11 Advisory Committee Minutes

7-11 Committee Application

7-11 Advisory Committee (Application Form Only) Fillable

7-11 Committee Application (Spanish)