The following information is needed as a part of the enrollment process:
Prior to finalizing a student’s enrollment into New Haven, the child’s family must provide verification of their home address. The student’s parent/guardian must have TWO documents in their name listing their home address. Documents must be current, within 30 days (California Education Code 48204.1, New Haven Board Policy #S5111.1) You will be asked to upload these documents in this registration packet.
If your child is enrolling in Transitional Kindergarten, kindergarten or has never attended a California public school, You will be directed by our Enrollment Clerks about when to provide this documentation.
One of the following documents is required to verify their birthdate:
•Original Birth Certificate with the county seal. This can be obtained through the county where your child was born. Souvenir certificates from birthing hospitals are NOT acceptable,
•Original Baptismal Certificate signed by the pastor of their church,
•Official passport.
Please provide any of the following documents from your child’s previous school/district. This information will help with scheduling and placing your child appropriately.
•Withdrawal grades or transfer forms,
•Report card/transcript,
•English Language Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC) scores from previous school, if applicable,
•Any other documents related to serving the student appropriately, i.e., Individualized Education Plans (IEP), Section 504 plans, Student Success Team (SST) meeting notes, etc.
Your child will not be able to start school until you have provided documentation for ALL REQUIRED immunizations. This is a California state requirement. You will be asked to upload this documentation in this registration packet.
Linked is a document explaining California’s Immunization Requirements,
You can also review this document for Student Immunization Needs by Grade Level,
All incoming 7th Grade students must show proof of receiving their TDap immunization to start their school year.
If you need a local physician, please refer to this list for references: Local Physician Resources. Información de la Clínica Local
New Kindergarten enrollees are required to submit proof of an Oral Health Assessment.
•Families should print this form and take it to their dentist to complete, which includes their signature.
•If you need a dentist, linked is a list of local dentists (Proveedores Dentales) that can provide this service.
If your child receives services as dictated by an Individualized Education Plan or a Section 504 Plan, please submit a copy of the most recently signed plan. You will be able to upload the plan in this registration packet.
If no plan is available, please inform the Centralized Enrollment Center about who to contact for a copy of the plan.
Centralized Enrollment Center at the Union City Family Center
725 Whipple Road
Union City, CA 94587
Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm