


New Haven is enrolling for
the current 2024-2025 school year
the next 2025-2026 school year.
The first day of school for 2025-2026 is Wednesday, August 6, 2025!

Click on the "ENROLL ONLINE" button below to begin this process for your child.

Please refer to the birthdate ranges to see what grade your child is eligible to enroll in.

For the 2024-2025 school year, Transitional Kindergarten students are born between September 2, 2019 and June 2, 2020.
2024-2025 School Year Birthdate Range Rango de Cumpleaños Año Escolar 2024-2025

For the 2025-2026 school year, Transitional Kindergarten students are born between
September 2, 2020 and  September 1, 2021.
2025-2026 School Year Birthdate Range Rango de Cumpleaños Año Escolar 2025-2026

Pre-kindergarten students
should contact the Centralized Enrollment Center to enroll.


Scroll down for more information about our specialized programs in New Haven.
Two-Way Dual Immersion in Spanish and Mandarin
Computing and STEM Education Program
Independent Studies with a Virtual or Hybrid Schedule


If you have questions about enrollment, you can inquire at:

Centralized Enrollment Center at the Union City Family Center
725 Whipple Road
Union City, CA 94587
Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm 

Two-Way Dual Immersion Programs in New Haven

Spanish Two-Way Dual Immersion Program (Elementary and Middle School)
Please visit our Spanish Dual Immersion Program webpage for more information.
Offered at SEARLES ELEMENTARY in Transitional Kindergarten, Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th grades.
Offered at CESAR CHAVEZ MIDDLE SCHOOL in 6th grade and starting in August 2025, 7th grade.

Mandarin Two-Way Dual Immersion Program at Guy Emanuele Elementary School:
Please visit our Mandarin Dual Immersion Program webpage for more information.

Offered in Transitional Kindergarten, Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th grades and starting in August 2025, 5th grade.

For more information about either of our Two-Way Dual Immersion Programs, please check out the 2025-2026 TWDL Flyer, or for direct support, contact Angelica Singson (asingson@nhusd.k12.ca.us).

UC Davis Computing and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Education Program

C-STEM – Coding, Robotics, and Mathematics Program at Hillview Crest Elementary School:
New Haven is thrilled to collaborate with UC Davis on a coding and robotics program aimed at promoting mathematics achievement.  Starting in the 2024-2025 school year, all students from Transitional Kindergarten (TK) through 5th grade will have the opportunity to participate in this learning initiative.
For more information, please contact Stella Castillo (svcastillo@nhusd.k12.ca.us) at Hillview Crest Elementary School.

This school offers K-12 students online classes or hybrid schedules where students take classes online but still meet with teachers in-person several times a week. The Decoto School for Independent Studies is a fully accredited school with a diploma track program for high school students that meets college A-G requirements and offers a full range of courses, including Advanced Placement classes. Students in the high school program may also concurrently take classes at James Logan High School or one of our local community colleges. 
For more information, please contact Dana Chavez (dchavez@nhusd.k12.ca.us) at the Decoto School for Independent Studies.


Marcus Lam


Student and Family Services

Hollie Carcallas

Staff Secretary II

Ana Aguila

Office Assistant III

Marcela Muñoz

Office Assistant III

Maricela Gonzalez

Office Assistant III/Receptionist