New Haven Unified School District Social Workers develop, manage and lead, in partnership with District and site administrators, a variety of District and school initiatives that support the academic, behavioral, and mental wellness of students. School Social Workers help support,develop, adapt, and lead the District’s systemic implementation of Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) and support improving the effectiveness of the District’s Coordination of Services Teams (COST). School Social Workers facilitate, participate in, and provide input for system wide, school based, and departmental program planning, evaluation, and development of policies. All program planning and evaluation activities are done in accordance with state and federal laws, regulations and school board policies. School Social Workers will operate as an advocate with all community populations utilizing skills that respect issues of cultural and ethnic diversity and equity for every student and family. Also, they will provide specialized consultative services to school staff, community agencies and other professionals. Services are designed to assist families, students, and educational professionals in providing quality interventions, which allow students to reach their highest educational, developmental and social potential.
Reports to the Director, Pupil Services
- Leads NHUSD District health and wellness committee, with direction and collaboration with District directors and other District social workers.
- Assesses the current status of health and wellness needs, resources, and infrastructure of a school community as it relates to academic success; develops, implements and evaluates a capacity building, resource and service plan.
- Coordinates school based health and wellness services and resources and works with community providers and school staff to expand, enhance, and improve services.
- Serves as liaison to school sites and community based organizations to build capacity in trauma informed and culturally responsive health and wellness services and supports.
- Establishes, fosters, and maintains professional, collaborative relationships with relevant governmental/social service agencies, local universities, as well as departments within the
- District for the purposes of inter/intra-agency collaboration and referral.
- Consult and/or provide short term case management, group counseling, and check ins with students, as needed.
- Collaborates with and supports site administrators, District Family Service Assistants (FSAs), and Union City Family Center in linking parents/caregivers with needed resources and engaging families in meaningful and positive ways.
- Participate in ongoing professional growth opportunities.
- Follows all legal mandates for reporting suspicion of child abuse, danger to self or others, and other legally required exceptions to confidentiality.
- Assists in the development and implementation of District and school-wide efforts to create a positive climate, prevent conflicts and violence, and enhance the community setting for all of its members.
- Consults with District and site administrators regarding planning and implementation of District crisis response following a behavioral health crisis or critical incident (such as the death of a student, suicidal ideation, or a school threat causing a lockdown) as outlined in the NHUSD Crisis Response Manual. Supports the implementation of crisis intervention and management, including triage and follow-up with students, parents/caregivers, school staff and the school community.
- Provides mental health consultation to school sites in order to strengthen positive connections between students and adults, and enhance school staff knowledge and implementation of effective behavioral support and interventions, positive climate strategies, Restorative Justice practices, cultural responsiveness, youth development and family engagement.
- Collaborate in the development of school wide initiatives, multi-disciplinary teams, committees and meetings at school sites for health and wellness and/or school climate.
- Provides coaching support and consultation to administrators and school sites to ensure implementation of multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) including prevention, intervention, and intensive services, i.e. Student Success Teams (SSTs), Coordination of Service Teams (COST), Instructional Leadership Team (ILT). Assists in the development and implementation of evaluation systems to measure the effectiveness of District developed initiatives which improve student attendance, academic success and social-emotional well-being.
- In accordance with Coordination of Service Teams (COST), assists school sites to implement universal screenings and referral protocols to ensure timely access to support services.
Develops, improves, and coordinates the facilitation of a Coordination of Services Team (COST) in collaboration with site administrators, counselors, school psychologists, teachers, community providers, and site based school staff.
- Masters Degree in Social Work and California Pupil Personnel Services Credential in School Social Work Holds valid License with the California Board of Behavioral Science, Licensed Clinical Social Worker.
- Bilingual/Bicultural Experience with students & families from a diverse background, K-12th grade Experience coordinating and knowledge of comprehensive support systems in schools
- Experience with Teacher consultation around behavior/social emotional concerns
Minimum Masters Degree in Social Work Valid Pupil Personnel Services Credential School-based mental health experience Experience with school climate initiatives such as restorative practices, trauma-informed schools, and/or Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS)
Valid California driver’s license Valid Pupil Personnel Services Credential
Office environment Driving a vehicle to conduct work
Range 31 205 Day Work Year