NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the governing board of the New Haven Unified School District will conduct a public hearing on the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), LCAP Annual Update & Proposed Budget for 2023/24, in accordance with the provisions of Education Code Section 42103, 42127, 52060, 52061 and 52062 at their regular board meeting on June 4, 2024.
Public Notice: 2023/2024
Public Notice - Developer Fee Accounting (2023/2024)
( Heading of Article 1 renumbered from Article 2 by Stats. 2014, Ch. 923, Sec. 58. )
The state board, the governing board of a school district, or a county office of education may dispose of surplus or undistributed obsolete instructional materials in its possession that are usable for educational purposes in any of the following ways:
(a) By donation to a governing board, county free library, or other state institution.
(b) By donation to a public agency or institution of any territory or possession of the United States, or the government of a country that formerly was a territory or possession of the United States.
(c) By donation to a nonprofit charitable organization.
(d) By donation to children or adults in the State of California, or foreign countries for the purpose of increasing the general literacy of the people.
(e) By sale.
(Amended by Stats.
Resolution No. 005-2223: The Increase in Level I School Impact Fees and Adoption of CEQA Notice of Exemption.
The Board held a Public Hearing to consider adopting a change to its Level 1 School Impact Fees based on the statutory increase by the State Allocation Board (SAB), based on the the report entitled, “Developer Fee Justification Document For Residential, Commercial and Industrial Development Projects – Level 1”. The study determined that the District is justified to collect the legal maximum fee of $4.79 per square foot of residential development as authorized by Government Code Section 65995 (Level 1 fees), as new construction and modernization eligibility create a school facility cost that exceeds $4.79 per square foot. The District is also justified to collect the legal maximum fee of $0.78 per square foot of development on all categories of commercial/industrial development (except rental self-storage), as those categories of development create school facility costs that exceed $0.78 per square foot of future development.
The District hereby increases fees on residential development to $4.79 per square foot, and fees on commercial/industrial developments to $0.78 per square foot, in accordance with Education Code sections 17620, et seq., and Government Code sections 65995, et seq.
Developer Fee Form: Certification for Payment of School Impact Fees