The following Time Card guidelines have been prepared for your information. Specific color time card information can be found below. To enable the Payroll Department to process payroll in an efficient manner, all of the guidelines should be followed. Any questions relative to these guidelines should be directed to the Payroll Department at extension 62618.
All time cards must be legible and submitted with the following information:
Please refer to the “Payroll Due Dates” document in Payroll Forms for specific due dates and pay periods.
Classified Staff:
The “Personal Necessity Leave Forms” (F266) form must be submitted to your Supervisor/Personnel Department before the leave is taken. If not, it is due within 72 hours after returning to duty.
Certificated Staff:
The “Absence Certificates for Certificated Personnel” (F172) form must be submitted to your Admin and is due within three days after returning to duty.
Resigning employees should complete their final Green Time Card or any final Absence Certificates and forward them to your Supervisor/Admin to be submitted to the Payroll Department as soon as possible for accurate final warrant calculation.
Employees should complete blue time card with:
IMPORTANT! Column 5 – please use the following codes:
In the “Full/Half/Periods” column, please list as follows: